Data is everyone’s best tool to making good decisions, but it also can be hard to harness and interpret. Mighty Penguin specializes in gathering, synthesizing, and then creating tangible and actionable plans from that data to help organizations grow and succeed.

This kind of information often benefits from our consultants’ outside set of eyes, contributing to the understanding of how an organization gets beyond its limitations and makes an impact.

Strategic Planning

Strategic plans are essential for nonprofits to be successful. Functioning as a roadmap to reach goals and objectives, strategic plans create structures and systems for achieving them. Mighty Penguin collects the background and data to build the plan, clearly outlining the ways to measure progress, evaluate success and failure, and create accountability and transparency. Our team can help you leverage this strategic plan to pursue funding and other resources while also helping your volunteers, employees, and other stakeholders to understand their roles and responsibilities in contributing to a strong and healthy organization.

Analysis & Reporting

Mighty Penguin has the expertise and knowledge to help organizations analyze and report on a variety of topics, all with the intent to empower them to meet their goals and fulfill their missions.

  • Market Analysis: A market analysis starts with leadership meetings, stakeholder interviews, and focus groups to gather information about the organization’s target market. We collect comparable data from outside the organization to provide a robust foundation for analysis. The final report presents the findings of our research, analysis, and recommendations.
  • Roots Cause Analysis: A root cause analysis starts with interviews, focus groups, and other data collection activities to clarify key issues and their fundamental causes. The final report documents findings and recommendations for maximizing program impact.

Case Statement Development

A good campaign starts with a good case statement. Mighty Penguin drafts this guiding document with the express purpose of leading the communication and solicitation requests for capital campaigns and other fundraising needs. Mighty Penguin develops the narrative of the project and its anticipated impact on the community. Backed by funding research, another essential aspect of case statement development includes potential naming opportunities, benefits to donors, and ways for funders to be engaged. The case statement also lists volunteers, leaders, and partners who will be involved in the campaign.

Feasibility Study

After the case statement has been developed, Mighty Penguin helps vet the objectives and assumptions with key constituents to assess the campaign’s potential. This involves conducting interviews and collecting data to determine the practicality of the campaign plans, which culminates in a final feasibility report for the proposed targeted campaign.

Development Assessment

Mighty Penguin’s development assessment involves evaluating the organization’s current goals, resources, strategies and comparing to the current and desired outcomes. Through interviews with leadership and staff and data gathering, we help evaluate strengths and weaknesses along with any gaps so that organizations can make decisions about how to best use their resources. Our final report makes recommendations for the client’s development initiatives.

Impact Assessment

Analyzing the impact that programs have on those who need services is one way to ensure that an organization continues to fulfill its mission, keep funders happy, and engage authentically with volunteers and donors. Mighty Penguin reviews programs to identify the key beneficiaries and resources needed to run the program and intended benefits of the program. A final report details the extent to which programming is meeting its stated goals and offers recommendations to improve results.

Business Planning

Many organizations have a revenue-generating model that drives and supports their programmatic offerings. Mighty Penguin can help design and clarify plans for future earned income programs. The resulting business plan outlines the proposed activities, including financial, marketing, management, legal, and other dimensions of these activities for internal and external use.

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